Sustainable investing

Picard Angst launches the "ESG Competence Center"

"With the launch of our "ESG Competence Center", we hope to play a leading role among independent asset managers in the field of ESG." Daniel Gerber, Head of Business Development

The Picard Angst "ESG Competence Center" further expands the offering of ESG investment solutions and services for institutional investors, EAMs, family offices and smaller banks. The national strategies are being supplemented with themed impact investing solutions in the form of funds, actively managed certificates and bonds. We also support our clients with data science and tailored ESG solutions – from the strategy to the takeover of the ESG office.

In the Global Risk Report drawn up by the World Economic Forum in 2020, environmental and climate risks occupied the first five places for the first time ever. In 2021, problems caused by infectious diseases are still among the greatest risks facing the world.

The world is reacting to this. The Paris Agreement signed by 196 parties at the United Nations Climate Change Conference sets out the aim to limit global warming to less than two degrees above pre-industrial levels. Over the next few years, the EU will invest 1.8 billion euros into the Green Deal with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Similar efforts are also being made in the US and other major economies.

There is a great deal of change happening on a regulatory level. With the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, the EU has since March 2021 required companies in the finance sector to provide a comprehensive sustainability report, and this will be further expanded next year.

It therefore does not come as much of a surprise that the volumes for sustainable investments in Switzerland alone rose by 30% to CHF 1520 billion in 2020. Standing at CHF 694 billion, the volumes invested in sustainable funds exceeded those invested in conventional funds for the first time ever. The sustainable investments reported by asset owners represent approximately one-third of all of the assets managed by Swiss pension funds and insurance companies.

In the medium and long term, companies with good ESG ratings will be more commercially successful than competitors that have struggled with the sustainable transformation or do not have sufficient corporate governance. Investors are increasingly avoiding companies with high ESG risks.

A holistic investment approach that takes into consideration environmental, social and corporate governance factors in addition to purely economic aspects can result in better investment results. We believe that ESG criteria are an additional relevant source of information and part of the risk management system for helping to identify and utilise investment opportunities and reduce investment risks. By utilising the ESG criteria, we are increasing the probability of achieving investment goals.

The Picard Angst "ESG Competence Center" has developed its own ESG methodology based on the integrative approach of considering ESG data from a wide range of external providers and label organisations. With the Picard Angst ESG Layer, we have an effective tool to hand for incorporating ESG aspects into investment decisions. This is modular in structure, thus enabling the various client requirements and investment goals to be met. We take into consideration both the minimum standards that have to be adhered to and also the ESG optimisation procedure for maximising sustainability aspects. This means, for example, that companies that are on exclusion lists, such as that of the Swiss Association for Responsible Investments or operate in controversial areas are excluded.

Picard Angst ESG services

Thanks to our longstanding experience in data science and the support provided by artificial intelligence, we are able to handle large amounts of information and data. The centrepiece is our equity database in which we have access to relevant fundamental and ESG data on more than 7’000 equities. From this universe, we can compile, monitor and optimise individual portfolios and strategies.

Institutional clients and partners can benefit from this expertise – not just in the form of investment solutions, but also within the framework of mandates. We provide you with support in terms of the analysis and integration of ESG criteria as well as with respect to active monitoring and reporting. We offer the ESG optimisation of existing portfolios and the building of new portfolios with an individual ESG overlay.

Picard Angst ESG solutions

Discover our new ESG investment solutions and which of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) these impact now.

The Food Revolution

Invest in the sustainable future of our food.
Find out more

Green Bond Logistics

Generate an impact with sustainable logistics in the Netherlands.

Launch of the "ESG Competence Center"

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Your contact

Daniel Gerber

Head of Desk Switzerland
